["A1S05021": "Exodus to Warsaw", "A2S27011": "Tension rises before mass roundups", "A3S01012": "Mass deportations", "A3S01051": "Work-permits", "A3S01111": "Deportations", "A3S01141": "Information on Treblinka gassings", "A3S01161": "Evacuation notice", "A3S02011": "First roundups", "A3S02041": "Song of the Murdered Jewish People", "A3S02051": "Jewish policemen during roundups", "A3S02061": "Yitzhak Katzenelson during roundups", "A3S03031": "Manhunt", "A3S05011": "The JFO is set up", "A3S06011": "Small ghettos are liquidated", "A3S07011": "First JFO rout", "A3S08071": "I remember nothing more", "A3S09021": "Mass deportation figures", "EP13": "Heinz Auerswald", "EP10": "Adam Czerniakow", "EP25": "Adolf Eichmann", "EP50": "Pinkert", "EP64": "Lutek Rotblat", "EP54": "Josef Szerynski and Jacob Lejkin", "EP55": "Mieczyslaw Szmerling", "EO07": "Prisons", "EO28": "Children", "EO59": "Poison", "Cc3": "Katznelson and his son are deported ", "Ch8": "Deportations from Warsaw"]